Our Story
Jacqui Rouse formed Edgeline Business Services in 2010 to help small businesses take care of their tedious paperwork while demystifying the financial responsibilities of running a company. We recognize that you have products to manufacture, art to create, items to sell, clients to attend to and projects to manage. The bill paying, expense categorization and tax requirements should be the least of your concerns, yet to run a business successfully they need to be handled correctly and on time.
We are driven by values
We provide help in an environment that does not require additional office space, equipment, or furniture. Furthermore, you are not burdened with the management, added expense, and employee paperwork.
We take great pride in maintaining the highest standards and integrity in everything we do by providing solutions for our clients. When we begin a working relationship, we look for the best method for completing your task.

Super Efficient
We adhere to the highest standards of accounting practices. So your accountant’s job is easy.

Deeply Committed
We don’t just “keep the books”, we provide efficient and effective solutions to help you make more sound financial decisions.

Highly Skilled
With Edgeline Business Services doing your books, there’s no need to fear audits. Your records will be properly organized and our team will be available on-hand to assist auditors if need be.

Jacqui Rouse